Top 10 Hadiths about Reading the Quran - Mairaj Ul Quran

Top 10 Hadiths about Reading the Quran

Have you ever wondered about the importance of reading the Quran in Islam? What do the Hadiths say about its significance and the blessings it brings to our lives?

Reading the Quran holds great significance in Islam, and there are many Hadiths that emphasize its importance. These teachings from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) guide us on how to approach the Quran, highlighting its role in providing guidance, comfort, and blessings. They remind us that reciting the Quran not only brings spiritual rewards but also enhances our connection with Allah. By understanding these Hadiths, we can better appreciate the value of incorporating Quran reading into our daily lives.

In this article, we will explore over ten Hadiths that highlight the significance of reading the Quran in our lives. These teachings from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasize how reciting the Quran can bring us closer to Allah and enrich our spiritual journey. Let’s discover the wisdom behind these Hadiths and understand how they can inspire us to make Quran reading a regular part of our daily routine.

Top 10 Hadiths about Reading the Quran

The Best Among You

Hadith Number 1:

“خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه”

Translation: “The best among you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

This Hadith shows that reading the Qur’an isn’t just about saying the words; it’s also about understanding them and sharing that knowledge with others. By learning and teaching the Qur’an, we do something really special that makes us honored in Allah’s eyes. When we understand the Qur’an, it makes our lives better and helps us share its important lessons with our families and friends.

The Qur’an as an Intercessor

Hadith Number 2:

“اقرأوا القرآن، فإنه يأتي يوم القيامة شفيعاً لأصحابه”

Translation: “Recite the Qur’an, for it will come on the Day of Resurrection as an intercessor for its companions.” (Sahih Muslim)

This Hadith emphasizes that the Qur’an will serve as a comforting friend on the Day of Judgment, speaking on behalf of those who have read and followed its teachings. As Muslims, we believe that we will all return to Allah after this life, and having the Qur’an as our intercessor can give us hope and peace. By building a strong connection with the Qur’an now, we prepare ourselves for that important day. 

The Light of the Qur’an

Hadith Number 3:

“إن هذا القرآن مأدبة الله، فتعلموا من مأدبته ما استطعتم”

Translation: “This Qur’an is the banquet of Allah, so learn from His banquet as much as you can.” (Sunan Ibn Majah)

This Hadith compares the Qur’an to a banquet, showing how it offers a feast of knowledge and guidance. Just like a banquet provides food to nourish our bodies, the Qur’an gives us the spiritual nourishment we need for our hearts and souls. When we learn from the Qur’an, we become more familiar with our faith and grow closer to Allah. This learning helps us live better lives and find more meaning in our daily actions. By seeing the Qur’an as Allah’s banquet, we are encouraged to enjoy its teachings and use them to improve ourselves and our lives.

Reciting with Reflection

Hadith Number 4:

“أحب الأعمال إلى الله: الصلاة على وقتها، ثم بر الوالدين، ثم الجهاد في سبيل الله.”

Translation: “The most beloved deeds to Allah are the prayer at its proper time, then kindness to parents, then jihad in His cause.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

While this Hadith does not mention the Qur’an directly, it highlights the significance of prayer, which is enriched by the recitation of the Qur’an. Engaging with the Qur’an enhances our prayers, making them more meaningful and connected to our worship.

A Source of Blessings

Hadith Number 5:

“من قرأ حرفاً من كتاب الله، فله به حسنة، والحسنة بعشر أمثالها”

Translation: “Whoever recites a letter from the Book of Allah will receive a good deed, and a good deed is multiplied by ten.” (Sunan Ibn Majah)

This Hadith highlights the incredible rewards we gain from reading the Qur’an. For each letter we recite, we earn a good deed, and these good deeds multiply by ten. This generous promise from Allah encourages us to engage with the Qur’an more often. By making a habit of reciting it regularly, we can enjoy the blessings that come from these rewards.

The Qur’an as a Guide

Hadith Number 6:

“إن هذا القرآن هو حبل الله المتين، وهو الذكر الحكيم، وهو النور المبين”

Translation: “Indeed, this Qur’an is the strong rope of Allah, the Wise Reminder, and the Clear Light.” (Sunan al-Tirmidhi)

This Hadith describes the Qur’an as a strong rope that helps us stay connected to Allah. It serves as a wise reminder and a clear light, showing us the right path in life. When we follow its teachings, we can face life’s difficulties with confidence and direction. The Qur’an guides us through challenges, helping us make good choices and understand our purpose.

A Companion in Grave

Hadith Number 7:

“إذا مات ابن آدم انقطع عمله إلا من ثلاث: صدقة جارية، أو علم ينتفع به، أو ولد صالح يدعو له.”

Translation: When a human dies, their deeds come to an end except for three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who prays for them.” (Sahih Muslim)

This Hadith reminds us that when a person dies, their actions stop except for three things: continuous charity, useful knowledge, or a good child who prays for them. Reading and teaching the Qur’an is a form of useful knowledge that benefits others. This means that when we share the teachings of the Qur’an or help others understand it, we keep earning rewards even after we’re gone.

The Qur’an in the Heart

Hadith Number 8:

“إن الله لا ينزع العلم انتزاعاً، ولكن يقبض العلماء، حتى إذا لم يبق عالماً اتخذ الناس رؤوساً جهالاً، فسئلوا، فأفتوا بغير علم، فضلوا وأضلوا.”

Translation: “Allah does not take away knowledge by removing it from the hearts of people, but He takes away the scholars until, when no scholar remains, the people take ignorant leaders who are asked, and they give answers without knowledge, thus they lead others astray.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

This Hadith warns us of the importance of knowledge, particularly the knowledge of the Qur’an. It reminds us to value and preserve the teachings of the Qur’an, ensuring that we keep it alive in our hearts and share it with others.

The Qur’an as a Source of Healing

Hadith Number 9:

“وإذا كنتَ في دعوة، فتجعلُ من القرآن، فلكَ في ذلك شفاءٌ”

Translation: “And if you recite from the Qur’an during your supplication, you will find healing in it.”(Sunan Abi Dawood)

This Hadith points out that reciting from the Qur’an while making supplications brings healing. It shows us that the words of the Qur’an can provide comfort and relief when we face tough times. Whenever we feel stressed or troubled, turning to the Qur’an can help us find peace and guidance. This reminder encourages us to use the Qur’an as a source of strength, knowing that its verses can uplift our spirits and help us heal emotionally and spiritually.

The Qur’an Will Be a Witness

Hadith Number 10:

“يُقالُ لصاحبِ القرآنِ: اقرأْ، وارقَ، كما كنتَ تقرأُ في الدنيا، فإن منزلتكَ عند آخر آية تقرؤُها.”

Translation: “It will be said to the companion of the Qur’an: ‘Recite, and ascend, as you used to recite in the world, for your rank will be at the last verse you recite.‘” (Sunan Abi Dawood)

This Hadith teaches us that the Qur’an will play an important role in our afterlife. It tells us that those who read and learn the Qur’an in this life will be encouraged to continue reciting it in the next life. The higher our understanding and reading of the Qur’an, the greater our place will be in the hereafter. This motivates us to build a strong relationship with the Qur’an, as it will not only help us in this life but also bless us in the life to come. By valuing the Qur’an now, we prepare ourselves for a better standing when we meet Allah.

How Can Mairajul Quran Academy Help You Master the Quran?

At Mairajul Quran Academy, we are here to help you learn the Quran in a friendly and supportive way. Our experienced teachers offer lessons that are perfect for you, whether you’re just starting or want to learn more. We provide flexible online classes that fit into your busy life, so you can study from home whenever it works for you.

We focus on teaching you how to read the Quran correctly, memorize its verses, and understand its meaning. Learning the Quran is an exciting journey, and we are committed to guiding you along the way. To help you get started, we offer free consultations and three days of trial classes, so you can see how our lessons work without any cost.

Join Mairajul Quran Academy today and take the first step towards mastering the Quran! Sign up for your free consultation and trial classes now, and let’s learn together!


In conclusion, the Top 10 Hadiths about Reading the Quran show us how important it is to read the Quran in our lives. Each Hadith highlights how the Quran guides us, gives us comfort, and brings us blessings. By following these teachings, we can grow closer to Allah and improve our lives. Remember that reading the Quran daily can lead to great rewards and help us become better individuals. So, let’s make reading the Quran a regular part of our lives and enjoy the wisdom it offers.

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